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Закупка щитового оборудования по объекту «Перевод на АСУ ТП систем КИПиА цеха карбамид-4, с заменой средств низовой автоматики без изменения технологического процесса»

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This tender with title Закупка щитового оборудования по объекту «Перевод на АСУ ТП систем КИПиА цеха карбамид-4, с заменой средств низовой автоматики без изменения технологического процесса» -- Purchase of switchboard equipment for the object "Transfer of instrumentation and automation systems of the urea-4 workshop to the automated process control system, with the replacement of field automation equipment without changing the technological process" has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 08 Oct 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Electric switchboards & Instrumentation and control equipment & Automation system & Command and control system & Switchboard equipment & Switchboards & Installation of switchboards & Industrial process control equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Purchase of switchboard equipment for the object "Transfer of instrumentation and automation systems of the urea-4 workshop to the automated process control system, with the replacement of field automation equipment without changing the technological process"

General Information

Закупка щитового оборудования по объекту «Перевод на АСУ ТП систем КИПиА цеха карбамид-4, с заменой средств низовой автоматики без изменения технологического процесса»
Purchase of switchboard equipment for the object "Transfer of instrumentation and automation systems of the urea-4 workshop to the automated process control system, with the replacement of field automation equipment without changing the technological process"
Invitation to Tender
8 Oct 2021
18 Oct 2021
Electric switchboards , Instrumentation and control equipment , Automation system , Command and control system , Switchboard equipment , Switchboards , Installation of switchboards , Industrial process control equipment

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